What is Endometriosis? A question I had to ask when I was finally diagnosed with it. I’m not the brightest button and science baffles me so I needed to find out in real girls language. So here is my explanation – Endometriosis is where tissue which is similar to the lining of the womb starts to grow in other places in the body. For me this was on my ovaries and bowel as well as womb and uterus.

I have always had horrendous periods, awful tummy ache and backache and there were days when I was so tired, getting into the shower was an effort, but when I had a Laparoscopy and endometriosis was discovered, I knew I had to do a lot of research to find out more about this disease. I was so surprised when I read that 1 in 10 women have this condition – just think that in your group of friends, there is probably one of you suffering with it.

When I was at my lowest point with the disease, I must have been awful to live with! I had no energy, was in pain 24 hours a day and with hormones everywhere, I was crying most of the time.

My saving grace was my amazing husband and wonderful family who never judged me and were always there even just for a hug. It was at this time you do find out who truly cares. I had beautiful friends who would leave coffee out side my door with a little note telling me they loved me and then I had others saying “its only period pain get over it”. By the way, that is the worst thing you can say to someone with Endo . IT IS NOT BAD PERIOD PAIN !!!!! (I feel better for getting that off my chest)

There was a time when I was full of self pity and “why me”. Then one day I accepted that this wasn’t going to go away and I had to do all I could to help myself and others. This is where the yoga and reiki really helped. It made me listen to my body and honour how I was feeling each day. Through this, I decided I only wanted positive people in my life, people who made me smile and feel better about myself. Now I start each day now with a smile and think of something I am grateful for. Prior to this, I started each day wondering how much pain I would be in.

I have had numerous surgeries including a hysterectomy, which of course, is not a cure for endometriosis – there is no cure! – but it helped with the pain. I have a positive outlook about my condition now and I just want to help as many girls as I can. Yes I do still have days where showering is a struggle and all I want to do is hide, but I allow myself these days and I accept how I feel.

if you know someone with Endometriosis, give them a hug and let them know you care!


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