“I’m not flexible” – neither was I till I started yoga!

“I can’t do a handstand” – I still can’t!

I must admit, these were 2 things going round in my mind before I started yoga. Having never done gymnastics, I was too scared of showing my knickers in the school playground to even attempt a handstand, so there’s no way I’m going to do one at 49 !!!!!

Before my first yoga class I had an image of walking into a packed yoga studio full of girls limbering up like the kids from Fame school – I was in my 30’s, overweight and if I’m honest, thought it might be the easier alternative to the gym.

I bought a brand new outfit, yoga mat and water bottle. I walked into the hall and saw a vast amount of different shapes, sizes and ages and felt better! Oh no! there are already mats on the floor – straight away I panic that everyone will now know I’m new to yoga as I didn’t know that I didn’t need to bring a mat and also – where do I put my mat !!!! all these little thoughts going through my mind, but as soon as the class started, all those negative thoughts disappeared and I found myself totally in the moment.

So here are some pointers for starting yoga:

1 – Look for a class that mentions ‘beginners’ in the title.

2 – Always take s bottle of water.

3 – Get in touch and ask what you need to bring.

4 – Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.

5 – Arrive a few minutes before the class and introduce yourself to the teacher.

6 – Pick a mat or space where you can see the teacher.

7 – Just enjoy and honour your body. Remember, only do what feels right for you!


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