Oh how I do love the Moon
The full moon is the stage in the moon cycle when it appears as a full circle in the sky, this is because the whole of the side of the moon facing the earth is lit up by the suns rays.
This part of the lunar cycle signifies release and the sealing of any intentions made. It is a wonderful time to connect with your feminine energies.
During the Full Moon there is so much energy flowing around, you may be finding it difficult to sleep as there is so much energy swirling around your body. so keep up with relaxing yoga and meditation to help you find moments of stillness.
Its a time to release what you no longer need, I love to write down on a piece of paper what I no loner need- emotions, thoughts, feeling. I then go outside (or you can go to a window) and read it out loud under the moonlight, I then rip the piece of paper up and throw it away. Always giving thanks to the moon for helping me to release.
A great time to recharge the energy of any crystals you may have. Simply allow the crystals to bathe in the moonlight. Restoring and releasing.
Full Moon is a powerful time, where we can begin to see things clearer, but it is also a wonderful time to re connect with your desires and seeing plainly what it is you do or don’t want.
The Full Moon is the brightest object in the night.
Remember the moon always beams to bring you your dreams