Lost your mojo?
Not a lot of room?
No equipment?
During this time its so hard to get into a proper routine of looking after ourselves, but now is the time more than ever that we need to give ourselves a little bit of self care and love.
Here are a few simple techniques you can do to help you feel motivated, calm but energised.
you can do this any where- even in the shower
– Ground down with both feet (you can stand or sit)
– Take both hands up into the air feel like you are catching
positive energy.
– Bring the palms to just above the crown and visualise the
energy entering into your head like a shower
– Hands come to your face feeling the forehead soften and
– Take the hands all the way down towards the flow and feel
as if you are washing away what you no longer need.
– Bring your hands to your heart and feel energised.
A great way to refocus your mind
– Close your eyes and imagine a square
– Breathe in for a count of 4 imagine the breath going up
the left side if the square.
– Breathe out for a count of 4 imagine the breath travelling
along the top of the square.
– Breathe in for 4 visualise the breathe travelling down the
right side .
– Breathe out for 4 and see the breath travelling along to
where you started.
A wonderful way to move with the flow of life, without needing a lot of room
– Standing bring your palms together at your heart and focus
at something that is at eye level in the distance (this helps
with balance.
– As you inhale spread you arms like wings up to above the
head and bring your palms together.
– As you exhale slowly lower your palms down to the centre
of your body while at the same time lifting your right knee
towards your chest.
– On your next inhalation spread you arms wide and up to the
sky whilst slowly bringing the right foot down to the
– Synchronise the movements so the palms touch at the
same time as the foot touches the ground.
– Do the same on the other side.
– Feel like you a flowing through the movements and take
this time for you to not only to enjoy the movement but to
think of nothing else.